Friday 31 May 2013

Glass Fibre Brushes

Glass fibre scratch brushes are a useful tool for cleaning silver prior to soldering, or to produce a matt surface finish. They are best use...

Thursday 30 May 2013

Stone Setting Tools

Burnishers Burnishers are hard, smooth bladed hand tools used to manipulate metal in a variety of ways. The highly polished blades are firm...

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Silver Soldering - Preventing Solder Flow

There are two primary reasons for avoiding solder flow: If solder flows into the wrong location. Solder that flows into a moving part will c...

Monday 21 January 2013

Barrel Polishing

Small barrel polishers offer an efficient, clean method of polishing small articles for the hobbyist jeweller. Polishing by hand using tradi...

Friday 18 January 2013

Barrel Polishing - Types of Barrel

The drums used by barrel polishers are commonly made from either plastic or rubber: Plastic Plastic drum lids will be easier to push on an...

Thursday 17 January 2013

Barrel Polishing - Cleaning Compound

To aid with cleaning, a small amount of barrelling compound should be added to the water. This is a type of cleaner specifically designed to...

Barrel Polishing - Steel Shot

Steel shot is comprised of differently sized tiny shapes, usually a mixture of balls, pins, and rods. The pins are especially useful for pol...